Saturday, April 10, 2010

No smoking areas in household

This is a gentle reminder about smoking in the household. A sign exactly like the one pictured above has been posted on the fridge. It clearly states which areas are offlimits for smoking.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Keys for laundry facilities cut today

To accommodate the residents of our household, I ventured down to the local hardware store this morning and had several keys cut so that we could all have access to the laundry facilities whenever we desire.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interior Design | Small Spaces

Laundry facilities

This morning I met with our super, who showed me exactly where the laundry facilities for our dwelling are located.

With access to the small apartment building next door, I walked down to the end of the corridor, through the door, and then down a short flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a door. I used the key the super had given me to open it. Once inside, I hung a right, walked a short distance, and then hung a left where I walked another short distance into the laundry room.

There are six machines in this area, four front-loading washers and two front-loading dryers. For regular wash loads, the cost is $2.00 per machine in quarters and loonies. If your wash is heavily soiled, there is a Supercycle option which adds extra time to the wash cycle and an extra rinse cycle. For this option, it costs $2.25 per machine. The dryers are $1.50 each.

Broken basement window

Prior to moving in an intruder had somehow managed to squeeze through this small basement window. Evidence of his entry was the cracked glass pane on the right and mud tracks on the wall inside. To thwart any future attempts, a bar or mesh of some kind will be installed.

-- Post From My iPhone 3Gs

Spring beautification project

With the promise of warmer weather yet to come, our eyes turn to making the small front lawn a beautiful and comfortable space to enjoy. Flowers, lawn chairs, a water fountain (to cover up that ugly manhole), and trellises to give us some measure of privacy are all part of this beautification project.

-- Post From My iPhone 3Gs

House project 4: Fix back door

When we moved into the new place, we discovered that the mechanism which allows the back door to close slowly was broken. This has been added to the list of projects which need to be addressed and fixed.

House project 3: Install screen door

Another project which is on the table is the installation of a heavy duty screen door for the back entrance. Since we have dogs and cats living in this household, the addition of this facility will deter any of them from venturing out.

House project 2: Decorative door placement

One of the projects for the new household is the installation of this funky door, which one of the residents brought from and which was designed by an artist who lives in New York City. The proposed location for this piece of interesting art is the front door.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Unloading Our Stuff

Since moving into the new space, a couple of us have decided that we have too much stuff. What better way to unload our stuff than to have a yard sale! So weather-permitting, we are going to do just that this weekend.

House project 1: Nightlights

To accommodate one of our residents, we are in the process of installing nightlights in strategic locations in the household. To date, one nightlight has been installed in the kitchen and another one in the bathroom. Two more will be installed in the hallway, one just outside the bathroom and the other close to the front door.

In this first edition, we focus on what it means to live as a community.

Community is diverse. It can take on all shapes and sizes. This living space and the people who dwell within it is a prime example of a community, but on a small scale.

Each of us who live in this community is different. As members of this community each of us must respect the space within which we live and the other people who live with us.

Certain guidelines are in the process of being established for the good of all who dwell here. A couple of these guidelines include:

  • Before you exit the premises, you must remember to lock the back and then the front doors.
  • The back door is only to be used as a service doorway. All guests must enter and exit through the front door.
  • When entering or exiting through the front or back doors, watch for dogs and cats.
  • No smoking in the common area. If you must smoke, open the back door in the kitchen.

If you have any suggestions to add to this list, things you would like to see on this web site, or you have specific concerns which need to be addressed, please send them to: