Thursday, April 8, 2010

Laundry facilities

This morning I met with our super, who showed me exactly where the laundry facilities for our dwelling are located.

With access to the small apartment building next door, I walked down to the end of the corridor, through the door, and then down a short flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a door. I used the key the super had given me to open it. Once inside, I hung a right, walked a short distance, and then hung a left where I walked another short distance into the laundry room.

There are six machines in this area, four front-loading washers and two front-loading dryers. For regular wash loads, the cost is $2.00 per machine in quarters and loonies. If your wash is heavily soiled, there is a Supercycle option which adds extra time to the wash cycle and an extra rinse cycle. For this option, it costs $2.25 per machine. The dryers are $1.50 each.

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