Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In this first edition, we focus on what it means to live as a community.

Community is diverse. It can take on all shapes and sizes. This living space and the people who dwell within it is a prime example of a community, but on a small scale.

Each of us who live in this community is different. As members of this community each of us must respect the space within which we live and the other people who live with us.

Certain guidelines are in the process of being established for the good of all who dwell here. A couple of these guidelines include:

  • Before you exit the premises, you must remember to lock the back and then the front doors.
  • The back door is only to be used as a service doorway. All guests must enter and exit through the front door.
  • When entering or exiting through the front or back doors, watch for dogs and cats.
  • No smoking in the common area. If you must smoke, open the back door in the kitchen.

If you have any suggestions to add to this list, things you would like to see on this web site, or you have specific concerns which need to be addressed, please send them to:


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